Marathoners and Nutcakes
Last Sunday, I was heading out to Long Island to visit family and stumbled upon the Brooklyn leg of the New York City Marathon, something I should have sought out before in my six years here, but haven't. As much as I respect the discipline needed to compete (I feel achey after driving 26 miles), I never quite believed it would be thrilling to watch. But the couple of minutes I caught were pretty exhilarating. It looked something like this:

Additional entertainment was provided by this man, who took advantage of the race-induced street closures to stand in the middle of Flatbush Avenue with his sandwich board. The back:

The front:

In case you can't read it, that says:
He probably means the Rapture, but in case he was hoping for something more earth-bound, I hope Tuesday's election results set him straight.

Additional entertainment was provided by this man, who took advantage of the race-induced street closures to stand in the middle of Flatbush Avenue with his sandwich board. The back:

The front:

In case you can't read it, that says:
is Coming
is Coming
He probably means the Rapture, but in case he was hoping for something more earth-bound, I hope Tuesday's election results set him straight.
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