I briefly mentioned my grandfather in a post yesterday, which reminded me of a Fordham yearbook page of his that I recently found in a stash of family photos. (That's the yearbook photo, at right.) His name was Francis, but his nickname was "Babe," and the yearbook -- which dates from the early 1920s -- winningly describes him in the patter of the time. Some excerpts:
A fine, all-around good fellow, whose countenance is always graced with a broad and cheerful smile. “Babe” is what we call “some boy” scholastically, athletically and socially. . . . He has been a member of the baseball squad for the past two years and when in the game has cut some spectacular capers. . . . “Babe’s” generous, open nature has made him a favorite with all, and it is with something more than a passing regret that we clasp his hand and say “take keer yerself.”
That's awesome. I love genealogy. And you yourself, J, have "cut some spectacular capers" in your time. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I guess.
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